Our Solution

ACAI builds the capacity of grassroots individuals to respond to climate change. Working with a network of Canadian and African organizations, ACAI provides support for project development, resource mobilization and capacity building, and promotes knowledge sharing and networking opportunities between organizations and with technical and financial partners. ACAI seeks to strengthen engagement between Canadian and African communities for climate action and build a bridge to further leverage Canadian and global resources in support of climate action in Africa.

By working at the grassroots, ACAI increases downstream capacity to improve the entire climate action value chain. Through this, the ACAI develops an implementation and policy development mechanism, supporting the implementation of climate change policies at regional and sub-regional levels, ensuring that financing instruments reach the end user.

Only a fraction of foreign funding goes directly to local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs). A strategic demand-driven approach is needed to build the capacity of NGOs and CSOs to effectively participate in the fight against climate change in Africa. Many of these organizations are well positioned to reach hard-to-reach populations and implement effective, context-specific solutions at the community level. To achieve this strength, enhanced capacities and resource linkages are needed to sustain and expand their work. ACAI responds with grassroots support and partnership with African communities for climate action.

The CAP Network's collaborative partnership model based on mutual understanding, capacity building and direct funding of local initiatives emphasizes participatory approaches and rightly establishes communities as decision-makers on issues that affect them. the most and managers of
resources designed to address these issues. This expertise positions the CAP Network well to facilitate the partnerships and coalitions necessary for an inclusive transition to a sustainable future.

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