ACAI statement and proposal for COP 26

  • Accelerating climate action to save the planet;
  • Commit to actually minimizing environmental degradation and global warming;
  • Commit to improve and properly calibrate the management and use of natural resources;
  • Commit to sustainable and responsible industrialization;
  • Replace Africa's emissions offsetting with innovative, sustainable and smart mechanisms;
  • Empowerment and alleviation of mechanisms for accessing funds by the most vulnerable;
  • Great flexibility and consideration of direct beneficiaries and victims of climate injustice;
  • That African States take their due responsibility on climate change issues related to Africa's development.

ACAI Statement for COP 27


    « It is time for Africa to define an African strategy that is sustainable, tangible, coordinated, accepted and understood by all. An applicable and replicable strategy for all African nations for effective action against climate change. » Laurent NGOMA


    « Looking at global emission rates, Africa is a continent of adaptation, innovation and building resilience for systems and people. For its economic and social emergence, Africa would gain more with the sustainable and intelligent adaptation-innovation option against the adaptation-mitigation option which does not always take into account all the parameters and development factors that the continent needs for its socio-economic and sustainable development » Laurent NGOMA.

ACAI proposal for COP 27

For COP 27, ACAI is proposing the following:

    • Launching the Africa Vision: Africa united by a single vision
    • The need to prepare an African Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (SAFACC)
    • The establishment of an African fund to pilot African mechanisms for adapting to climate change
    • Revisiting the Redd plus mechanism, carbon credit, the mechanisms of the various conventions, the issue of peatlands and mangroves; the different funds and their access, the benefits of the different conventions, the place of Africa during COP 27, 28, 29 and 30; public-private-civil society partnership.
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