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A generative and climate-resilient Africa

Africa Climate Action Initiative

Who are we?

The Africa Climate Action Initiative (ACAI) is an initiative of the CAP network that works alongside African communities on the front lines of climate change. Our mission is to improve the climate mitigation and adaptation response of African nations and their communities, while building solidarity between Canadian and African communities fighting climate change.

Africa is the continent most vulnerable to climate change, despite accounting for less than 4% of global carbon dioxide emissions. Climate change acts as a threat multiplier to existing challenges including food insecurity, water scarcity, water-borne diseases, governance issues and conflicts across the continent.

Hundreds of millions of people are affected. 70% of the total African population depends on agriculture, with 95% of this food production dependent on rainfall. Increasingly uncertain rainfall and extreme weather conditions have serious implications for food security, poverty eradication and the achievement and maintenance of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We believe that Africa has the resources it needs to meet these challenges and pave the way to a healthy and regenerative future. ACAI works with partners to support the advancement of ongoing initiatives across the continent.

Africa Climate Action Initiative
Africa Climate Action Initiative

Save our planet

Our vision

A regenerative and climate-resilient Africa. Within the framework of the global fight against the harmful effects of climate change, of which Africa and its populations are the main victims; ACAI works to ensure that concrete actions with effective impacts can be carried out at the grassroots level by and for local communities.

Our overall goal

ACAI's overall goal is to work with African nations and their communities to boost their capacity to adapt to climate change through building resilient systems.

Our Core Values


Our mission

ACAI's core mission is to Strengthen the capacity of African nations and their communities to adapt and build resilience to climate change.

Our specific objectives

Specific objective 1: Develop upstream, with the participation of partners, increased capacities for adaptation, sustainable development, the resilience of systems and populations to adapt to climate change.
Specific objective 2: Strengthen the implementation of natural resource management policies by promoting climate-smart tools and approaches;
Specific objective 3: Implement increased climate action through resource mobilization, awareness raising, knowledge exchange and sharing.

It is time for Africa to define an African strategy that is sustainable, tangible, coordinated, accepted and understood by all. An applicable and replicable strategy for all African nations for effective action against climate change.

Laurent NGOMA
ACAI Executive Director
Environmental engineer
Expert in climate change and sustainable development

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